There are times in life when we find ourselves asking the question why-why did this happen to me? Why couldn’t things have played out differently? Why didn’t God stop this? Not knowing why can make things even harder, just like Job in the Bible, there are people in our lives who will say it’s our fault, that we must have done something in order to deserve the hardships we are going through. Author Vanessa Loyd is here to encourage you and tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Going Through 2 Become is a powerful book that meets readers right in the middle of their challenging circumstances, encouraging them to keep going, in order to become all that God has for them. Using her own story as a testimony, Vanessa delves deep into the truth that God is present in our darkest moments and debunks the idea that going through hardships means we are being punished. Using the biblical example of Job and others, Vanessa includes insightful commentary and makes connections to the storms of life we experience in today’s world, challenging readers to put their trust in God-no matter what. This book is a valuable tool for those ready to experience the peace God makes available to us, irrespective of what is going on in the world around us. Come along on the journey, stay faithful in the “going through,” and become who He called you to be on the other side.
Life is often made up of challenges that can cause Christians to wonder if God is really there. As you struggle to figure out how to deal with pain, circumstances, promotions or lack thereof, it is important to realize that your life has not been random, but God attempt to be more relational. In this book, using the metaphor of a custom car owner, we see how God customizes each of our lives through the normal events that we go through so that we can draw closer and into deeper relationship and fulfill our creator’s purpose. Clearly laid out is how God’s footprints often cover ours as we make decisions and choose paths to take. Filled with questions for reflection and prayers for growth, this book will help you gain perspective on the relationship God wants to have with you while you are here on this planet and enable you to rely even the more on the Creator and His plan for your life.

Every person who undertakes the task of writing a book, especially one that is nonfiction, does so with the hope of inspiring, educating, and motivating those who take the time to read it. Given how precious and valuable your time is however, I realized as I was writing this book, I wanted to maximize its impact by keeping it as simple as possible. For that reason, it is short, sweet, and to the point. I hope this book enlightens you to be able to do; plan and execute your life to accomplish what God intends for you to do.
After countless conversations with teenagers, their parents, young adults, and various other people, I realized this generation needs some additional advice. The world is changing faster each day. New technology affects what we can and cannot do and it opens up new possibilities; the likes of which were not even science fiction 20 years ago. The truth however, even in the midst of it all, we have been given one life to live and a finite amount of time in a day to accomplish the things we desire. So, if you are going to be “successful” in life, needing to have a plan and a vision remain at the for-front of your life. My hope and prayer is that this book will serve as a key to the door that unlocks a world of disciplined living, which will in turn enable you to accomplish the dreams you have and making the best of your talent which will lead you on the paths of righteousness for His name sake.