Pastor Michael Loyd
Pastor Michael, born in Atlanta GA to Lucy and the late Ralph Loyd, serves as our Senior Pastor. He has attended Beulah Heights Bible College. He is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who operates under the Apostolic anointing. Pastor Loyd is truly a gift from God to the body of Christ. He teaches and preaches under the anointing, with the use of illustrations divinely inspired by God, to the people. As a teen, he was a part of a gospel quartet group, learning to love gospel music at an early age. He began his ministry career as a deacon at The Fellowship of Jesus Christ Church in Germany. There, he learned the true meaning of servant hood under the leadership of the late Apostle Ernestine Jones! He received and accepted his call as a Minister in Orlando, Florida, and has been running for Jesus ever since.
Pastor Vanessa Loyd
Born in Bristol, Tennessee to the late Nellie Ruth and Rev. C.T. Williams, Pastor Vanessa grew up in Fayetteville NC. She is number thirteen of fifteen children. She has three children, Justin, Leah, Rachel, and four grandchildren Caleb, Londyn, Cailynn, and Judah. Pastor Vanessa serves as our Co –Pastor and is truly a complement to the gift that is in Pastor Michael. She is a powerful preaching woman! Through her prophetic prayer anointing, God uses her to enlighten the minds and hearts of God’s people. Having seen visions and dreamed dreams as a child, it was known that Pastor Vanessa was gifted prophetically! Having accepted her call as a Minister in Germany, she has served in multiple capacities of ministry. She is a third generation preacher, who is in the process of completing her dissertation to receive her Doctorate in Theology. As a woman who loves God with all her heart, soul, and mind, Pastor Vanessa models servant leadership to the women of The Fellowship on a daily basis.